Are you ready to create and embody a vibrant new you?
Talk to me!
Let me ask you some questions...
- Are you exhausted all the time even after getting enough sleep, and coffee barely makes a difference?
- Do you suspect having hormonal issues but you are confused about exactly what is going on?
- Are you struggling with sudden weight gain, constipation, skin issues, hair loss, and no drug or supplement that seems to help?
- Are you on an emotional roller coaster between anxiety and depression?
- Have you taken all of the exams and they come out normal, yet symptoms persist?
- Have you seen medical doctors for your symptoms but all they can offer is more medication and more pills?
- Do you want a real long-term solution, not just more drugs to mask your symptoms?
- Are you tired of confusing internet research and need to find what works for you?
Certified Technician in Whole Food Nutrition
Hello, I’m Vivica Menegaz and I’m a certified whole-food nutritionist, health blogger, published author, a prominent thought leader in ketogenic and paleolithic diet, and lifestyle practices, as well as one of the world’s leading voices for a food-based approach to healing.
I am the founder of the “The Healing Foods Method,” a 14-week online nutrition program where I work 1-on-1 with clients to achieve breakthrough results in their health by utilizing a therapeutic ketogenic diet for healing (keto paleo). Tracing back to my Italian origins, I’m a passionate cook whose ketogenic, paleolithic, and carnivore based recipes and nutrition advice have been shared with millions through my blog “The Nourished Caveman.”
I’m known for being the first holistic nutritionist to successfully utilize a ketogenic approach as the foundation of endocrine rebalancing. I use a therapeutic and holistic approach to food, lifestyle, and supplementation that utilizes the healing power of foods and mindset to address the incapacitating symptoms of many lifestyle-diseases that have plagued our modern lives. It is my mission to help others reclaim their health and quality of life.
I have been interviewed by some of the most popular podcasts in her field, like Shawn Mynars Keto for Women and Leanne Vogel's The Keto Diet Podcast, where I could share my views on holistic healing.

Are you tired of the same old story and are ready to embody your full potential?
I can help you!
Most of what health experts will offer you today doesn’t work. The latest fad diets, fancy neutraceuticals, extreme fasting, juicing, drugs, and more drugs. They might make you feel better for a minute, but they will eventually make things worse as they are missing the point of what is really making you sick.
The Healing Foods Method is different and it offers real solutions!
My approach is unlike anything else you will find: a combination of nutrition, functional endocrinology, life coaching, wisdom and mindset, a truly holistic perspective, and a systematic, time-tested approach. My 4-month program, The Healing Foods Method, is based on the fundamental principles of nutrition and a therapeutic ketogenic diet.
Together we’ll extensively address your health and hormonal concerns while diving deeper into the root causes that prevent you from achieving your goals.
If you are committed to get to the root of your health issues and resolve them, and you understand that in order to do so you need to adjust your mindset and lifestyle, this program is for you! If you are looking for a natural solution that works in harmony with your body, not against it, this program is for you. You are ready to commit to the process of healing and the beautiful journey of self-discovery it will lead you to, this program is for you.
If you are ready to invest in yourself, and receive the guidance you have been craving, this program is for you.

What's Included In
The Healings Food Method Program?
- In-depth assessment of your metabolic state.
- Hormonal health, gut health, and toxicity assessment.
- Progression from macros to intuitive eating.
- 6 weeks of easy, mouthwatering meal plans and recipes specific to the phase of the program (unpublished recipes).
- 8 classes with videos and highly informative handouts to empower you with the knowledge to succeed.
- A minimum of 10 hours of calls with me providing guidance and support.
- Unlimited quick-response email support.
- Membership to private Facebook Group for THFM.
- Starter pack of supplements valued at $200.
- Interpretation and guidance on lab results (lab fees not included).
- High level of individual attention.
- I will recommend in-house lab panels when needed: full thyroid, female hormone, full blood, adrenal, and GI panel(s).
"What I appreciate most about this program is the focus on all the crucial aspects of healthy well-being." - Martina from
Jimmy Moore
Author of best seller Keto Clarity and The Ketogenic Cookbook
“Utilizing the highly effective ketogenic Paleo approach as the basis for the program, it also adds in various other key elements in the healing process, including detoxification, improving gut health, managing stress, identifying food allergies, efficient exercise, and intermittent fasting. By the time you are finished with this program, your body will be well on the way to functioning optimally.”
Tara P.
The Healings Food Method Client
"I'm very thankful for the knowledge that I've gained and wish everyone could experience the changes I have made. I've healed so much and have come so far and feel great. Thank you for being there for me I have faith and I have been praying for this and I will continue to pray for me, and our journey but also you as an individual. Whatever you believe, know there are good vibes coming your way!"
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